Teacher Sponsorship

The beloved Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said that seeking education is the duty of every Muslim.

This has inspired us to focus on providing education as a route out over poverty fro those who can’t afford access to quality education.

Tayyib Foundation believes that having access to quality basic education is the right of every human being.

Helping the poor with education is sadaqa jariah and is best way to help the children find better future. Education would further help them to have access to better opportunities than were available to their parents.

One of the main problems in developing countries is access to quality education in rural areas is very poor. By providing a well trained and motivated teacher we can help many children and teenagers receive vital education that will help them in finding more skilled jobs and a prosperous future. By sponsoring a teacher renders us two fold benefits; the first benefit is the teacher has a stable job and regular income and the second beneficiaries are the students and community who have access to higher standard education